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Elvin Flores

Promoting Academic Integrity in the Age of AI

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies continue to advance, AI writing tools are becoming increasingly prevalent and sophisticated. These tools are able to write essays in a matter of seconds, raising questions about the impact they may have on education and writing instruction. How should educators respond to this new technology? While the use of AI in education could have many benefits, it also raises important questions about academic integrity and the role of original work in the classroom.

As educators, it's important to be aware of and understand the capabilities of these tools, as well as the potential challenges and opportunities they present.

Below are a few articles that can begin to shed some insight into the world of AI writing:

Next, consider the following five strategies to aid you in your journey to promoting a positive culture of academic integrity in your classroom.

  1. Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Consider incorporating the UDL framework into the design of your course and assessments. UDL Principles can help create multiple ways for students to demonstrate their understanding of course material. A simple way to do this is by giving students options on how they can show what they know. For example, instead of a written response paper, an alternative option might be for students to create an audio podcast/video explaining what they learned.

  2. Encourage Frequent Collaboration: Consider incorporating more group work and/or group projects. Group work can be an effective way to encourage students to engage with course material in an honest and authentic way. When students work in groups, they are more likely to feel a sense of accountability to their peers, which can discourage them from using AI-generated work or engaging in other forms of academic dishonesty.

  3. Discuss Academic Integrity: Consider leading a class discussion about the importance of honesty and originality in academic work, and encourage students to think critically about the consequences of academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

  4. Use Peer Review and Feedback: One way to facilitate learning and encourage originality in the classroom is to assign group projects that involve peer review and feedback. When students work in groups, they can often better understand their peers' perspectives and communicate their own ideas more effectively. By providing an opportunity for students to interact with each other and give constructive feedback, you can help them develop important skills such as collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. Additionally, the process of peer review can help students understand the importance of originality and the value of diverse viewpoints. (Serrano-Aguilera, 2022)

  5. Model Expectations: Faculty members can model good behavior by properly citing sources and adhering to academic standards in their own research and teaching.

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University, C. M. (2023). What are the benefits of group work? - eberly center - carnegie Mellon University. What are the benefits of group work? - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved January 4, 2023, from

McMurtrie, B. (2022, December 28). Teaching experts are worried about chatgpt, but not for the reasons you think. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved January 4, 2023, from

Serrano-Aguilera, J. J., Tocino, A., Fortes, S., Martín, C., Mercadé-Melé, P., Moreno-Sáez, R., Muñoz, A., et al. (2021). Using Peer Review for Student Performance Enhancement: Experiences in a Multidisciplinary Higher Education Setting. Education Sciences, 11(2), 71. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

OpenAI. (2021, June 18). OpenAI ChatGPT. OpenAI. Retrieved January 4, 2023, from



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