What influences student satisfaction in online programs offered by your institution? What are some factors that contribute to student persistence and student success in those online programs?
Wiley conducted a survey of over 2,000 students enrolled in online programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. These programs were offered by 31 different universities and were examined to learn what influences the factors questioned above.
Below are a few insights, as well as a few lessons learned, from the survey.
Based on the survey, students place a high emphasis and value on:
Community- Students Want And Expect Opportunities To Learn And Interact From Both The Faculty And Their Peers.
Consistency- Students Appreciate A Consistent And Structured Course Design That Helps To Reduce Their Cognitive Load.
Support- Are More Willing To Engage And Interact When They Feel Supported Through Guidance From Their Peers, Professors, And Advisors.
So based on these insights, what can we do to help improve student satisfaction and willingness to learn in an online setting?
Consider the following key takeaways the next time you are facilitating or redesigning your online course/program.
Building An Online Community Contributes To Learner Success
Learners Value Clarity And Consistency
Ongoing Support Strengthens Persistence Even During The Pandemic
Flexibility Matters To Student Success, But Its Meaning Varies
Learners Are Satisfied And Highly Skilled
To learn more, check out the full article: Online Learner Experiences
Wright, L., Capranos, D., Dyers, L., & Magda, A. J. (2022). Online learner experiences: The importance of cohesive design and learning communities to student satisfaction. Maitland, FL: Wiley Inc.